Friday, December 14, 2012

Larry Bell Update and Request by John

We visited Larry today in Jail by video   Larry said he had a hearing yesterday on the driving while barred.  Larry said he challenged jurisdiction.  Larry has a pretrial hearing on Jan 2.  I advised him to request a trial by Jury.  I also advised him to file criminal charges in the Federal Court in Davenport with the Dep of Justice.
   IOWA HWY Patrol is not cooperating with my request for the Videos  Audios and written reports of Larry's arrest on Nov 23.  Larry is taking my advise and giving me limited power of attorney so I can request the videos  audio and written records.    How about some heat from all of you out there to get TROOPER ANDREW PEDERSEN OFF THE STREET.

     Larry is filing criminal assault and battery against the Trooper with the Sheriff.  I sent Larry 4 copies of complaint form he requested to file against Iowa employees.  EVERYONE IN Iowa SHOULD REQUEST THESE FORMS FROM THE RISK MANAGEMENT DIV OF IOWA FOR YOUR OWN FUTURE USE.  You must do this first before you sue to exhaust your administrative remedy.  SAVES A 12B1 KICKBACK FROM FED COURT.  $350.00 savings 
HELP HELP HELP  I want everyone In Iowa that knows Larry travels by private conveyance  NOT DRIVING A MOTOR VEHICLE to get a Notarized Affidavit to that effect.  ALSO that he is a living breathing being (or such in your own words) and not the all caps fiction.  THIS IS CRITICAL FOR HIS DEFENSE TO BREAK THE PRESUMPTION. 
      Everyone that can Affirm by Notarized Affidavit that Larry always wears a seat belt when traveling should do so.  THIS IS NEEDED TO TAKE AWAY FROM TROOPER Andrew Pedersen's opinion Larry was driving without a seat-belt. 
I AM NOT COACHING ANYONE, JUST STATING WHAT I will do and recommend everyone else do it also in their own words.  PLAN ON COMING ON Jan 2 to testify you did in fact sign the Affidavit. 
     I BELIEVE OUR AFFIDAVITS WILL BREAK ANY PRESUMPTION THE COURT HAS ABOUT Larry being a Corporate Fiction, His Travelling by Private Conveyance rather than operating a motor vehicle. PROOF OF THAT IS THE FACT Larry BOUGHT THE CAR WITH $25.00 SILVER COINS. SEND AFFIDAVITS TO John E. Wiese C/O General Delivery Blue Grass Iowa  Zip Exempt per DMM (DOMESTIC MAILING MANUAL)
    Thanks for your support, John Wiese
World Peace is simple! Give everyone the freedom to worship their Creator,
as they see fit. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated.
Servant of the People, Steward of the Republic


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